
East Inlet - Gray Jay Site

When was the fun: August 17-18, 2009
Who went: Mark, Mom, Dad, John, Hedi
Length or hike: 5 Miles to Site
Time on the trail: Few Hours
Distance from Boulder: 1.5 hours
Adventure was near: Grand Lake

This was suppose to be a 3 day backpacking trip starting at the east inlet trailhead and going 5 miles in to gray jay campsite. We hiked in Monday, Aug. 17th and found gray jay to be a very nice site. We setup camp which included my tent and my new hammock (Thanks Kathleen!). We were hanging out around the site when some hikers told us about a moose they saw about 15 minutes farther up the trail. We quickly made our way up to the lake where the moose was suppose to be and were delighted to find a large bull moose located on the near side of the lake. We watched the moose eat and walk around for about a half hour from a distance of less than 50 feet.

When we got back to our site, we had dinner and played some games including hopscotch! The next day we hiked up the valley to three beautiful lakes. At the third lake we decided to head home due to some people getting altitude sickness. We went back to our site and packed up and once again put our heavy packs on our backs and hiked out to the car. But before, we got to the car, I found a large raspberry patch and enjoyed a snack :)