Leadville Backcountry Yurts

When was the fun: March 25-27, 2010
Who went: Mark, Kathleen, and Scott
Length or hike: 4 hours to yurt and short day hikes
Distance from Boulder: 2 hours
Adventure was near: Leadville, CO

We decided to return to the Leadville Backcountry yurts because they are really nice, fairly close, and offer great views of the surrounding peaks. There was an unfortunate event even before the trip started. Shanon, rolled her ankle playing basketball and couldn't come :(.

On Thursday we left Boulder around 6:30am and drove to the trail head. We got there around 8:30am and we were greeted by a gorgeous sunny day. We greatly enjoyed the hike in and the views. When we arrived at the yurt we relaxed for a little while then Scott made dinner. We all took photos of our dishes for Shanon to put on her blog.

The next day we had breakfast and then went on an adventure to the top of Empire Hill. It wasn't too far away but provided a nice sledding hill for the way back down. The weather started to look stormy so we headed back to the yurt. All afternoon we had high winds and snow and we mostly relaxed, read, napped, and ate.

On the last day we awoke to more snow and clouds. We had breakfast then packed up and hit the trail. The trial out has a lot of downhill including some steep sections. We all did well though and more or less enjoyed ourselves.

Also see our other trip, January 2010